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If you would like to advertise on London Crumpet please place our banner on your front page first:

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Please do it as it is shown. The link pointing to our website must be placed on the banner and text link. After you done it please read the advertising options:

 1) Thumbnail on the front page. Prices:

    - £35 per month,

    - £60 per two months,

2) Standard banner (468 x 60) advertising (rotation with other banners). Your banner will be displayed on the front page, categories and individual adverts' pages. Prices:

    - £35 per month,

    - £60 per two months,

3) 120 x 60 banner advertising. Your banner will be displayed on every single page. Prices: 

     - £35 per month,

     - £60 per two months.

4) Front page banner (468 x60) advertising. Steady position. Price:

     - £60 per month.


Contact us here for the final step - payment


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